Eleven-year-old Shannon from School of the Nations attained 550 marks in the Grade Six Assessment.
Upon hearing the news of her success, she remarked, “I feel very proud of myself for the grades I have achieved. I would like to thank my parents and my elder sister for their support. I would also like to say a special thanks to my teacher, Ms. Cheryl Semple,” she added. “Without the support of these persons I couldn’t do it.”
She indicated that studying for the exams was constant hard work but she would normally go to bed at nine every night.
She said, “I would like to attend Queen’s College with my sister, where I want to study to become a pilot.”
Her advice to anyone who is studying would be to concentrate on their studies.
Principal of the School of the Nations, Mrs.Christine Bisport, said, “I am not surprised as Shannon has always done well, she deserves it.”
Four students from the West Ruimveldt Primary School also attained exceptional grades in the Assessment. They were all in the same class, Grade 6A.
Stephon Hussain, a 12-year-old student of West Ruimveldt Primary School, achieved 547 marks.
Expressing his joy, he said, “I am shocked and excited; they are not enough words to explain how I am feeling. I would like to thank my family and my teachers for making this possible. My parents have always encouraged me to excel.”
Stephon added, “I remember many sleepless nights. Overall, I am thankful for the support I have received from everyone. It is my intention to attend Queen’s College and work hard to become a pilot.”
Achieving 546 marks, 11-year-old Keia Smith said, “I feel shocked and excited. I stayed up late at night, studying, and devoted all of my free time to going over my work; most nights I would go to bed at 11:00. I would like to thank my parents and my teachers, especially Mr. Wilfred Success and class teacher Mr. Edgar Sandy.
She added, “I would like to attend Queen’s College and would like to become a lawyer. I want to encourage other students who would be sitting the next examinations to study hard and hope for the best.”
Classmate Tamika Lawrence expressed shock upon learning of her 546 marks. She said “I am nervous and excited, studying every night was the biggest challenge for me, and I would go to bed at 10:30 every night.”
She indicated that she found Social Studies to be the hardest subject but was confident she would have done well.
She said, “I would like to thank my parents, my class teachers Edgar Sandy and Wilfred Success, and all the other teachers from Grade One who have helped me. I would like to attend Queen’s College where I would pursue my studies to become a lawyer.”
Achieving 546 marks, Nayasha Baksh elatedly said, “I feel excited and overjoyed. I want to jump and touch the sky.”
She highlighted that the biggest challenge for her was studying late at night.
She said, “I would normally go to bed at 11:00 every night, but my biggest supporter has been my Mom who always sat beside me while I was studying,”
Nayasha added, “I would also like to thank my Dad and the rest of my family, especially my grandmother, and all of my teachers who inspired me to succeed, including teachers Edgar Sandy and Wilfred Success.”
Deputy Principal Ms Bibi Hossein, expressing her delight at the students’ success, said “I am elated that the school did well, everyone is happy and we will work hard to improve these results next year.”
Monique Hopkinson wants to be a doctor.
She says: “I am very happy that I made a good grade and represented my school. I do hope that I can continue to be successful in all of my studies so I can become a doctor one day. When I wrote this examination, I was a bit nervous; but I did a lot of studying and reading.
“I can remember one night I stayed up until 2:00am to study for my Mathematics and Social Studies Examinations, and was very confident the next day to write the exams. I would like to thank my parents for all the help, especially my Grades Five and Six teachers for all the hard work they have done with me.