Essequibo livestock rearer suspects poisoning of poultry

$200,000 loss…
LIVESTOCK rearer Mohamed Baksh, of Zorg-En-Vlyght, Essequibo Coast, yesterday reported that he lost poultry, valued abut $200,000, through suspected poisoning.
He told the Guyana Chronicle that, about 19:00 h on Thursday, he discovered 15 turkeys and nine fowl chickens lying motionless on the ground and three persons running away from a pen.
Baksh, who has been in the business for the past ten years, said, when he went to give them feed and water yesterday morning, he saw another nine dead turkeys.
He said he buried all the birds in a hole he dug before making a report at Anna Regina Police Station, also on the Essequibo Coast.
Baksh said the Police advised him to have an animal doctor perform autopsies on the deceased birds to establish the cause of death but the only such practitioner in Region Two (Pomeroon/Supenaam) is, presently, on leave.
Saddened by the loss, he said he cannot speculate who could be so cruel and heartless to kill his fowls.


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