This condom biting like “Jaws”
Bluetoothers “bouncing” ‘bout de new kind o’ woman condom that gat teeth! Imagine a condom with real teeth! Now is both de woman and de condom gon bite! De thing causing both smiles and worries. Smiles fuh de ladies and worries fuh some men especially dem who like to tek advantage and force dem self pun ladies.
De social activist in South Africa who mek it must be commended. She sell everything she had and invest in de condom to help protect women from rapists and molesters. She sharing it out to people attending de football matches and mismatches now playing. Women accepting it including dem who married. De few husbands who actually carry dem wife to de football, vex fuh de whole match and after when dem see de wife accept de condom. It was like de end of de “ball game” fuh dem!
According to de lady who mek de condom, once it get attached it stay attached. De men dem who get “attached” gon can’t even do de thing that does follow de letter “O”! Only a doctor can detach it. Some men here frighten more than fright that de condom gon end up here like everything else from overseas. Given how dem does “operate”, dem might not find a doctor in de night. When dem go home, dem ain’t drinking nothing and dem face would have a permanent “smile” to hide de pain.
De wife would be surprise to see de husband so “pleasant” fuh so long. Doctors gon get increase traffic both from cars outside and men inside trying to get “detach”. De shrieks of pain gon eventually drown out de vuvuzelas at de football stadium while women gon feel more self protected and men dejected. So if yuh see a man walking round with a “paste-on” smile, don’t believe he happy, he might be in a hell of a lot of deserved pain. Hmmm!