Former Survival Supermarket cashier on embezzlement charges

A FORMER cashier at Survival Supermarket was yesterday slapped with seven charges of embezzlement.
Chandra Budhram, 18, of Lot 10 Canal Number Two, West Bank Demerara, appeared before Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson and pleaded not guilty to all.

The allegations against her said, between April 1 and 26, while she was employed at Survival, as a clerk or servant, Budhram embezzled a total of $13,900 which she took out of the possession of her employer, Parshram Arjune.
Attorney-at-law Mr. Adrian Thompson, for the defendant, claimed that she is being prosecuted because she quit the job but the accusations are petty and there is something more to them.
Police Inspector Stephen Telford, prosecuting, did not object to bail for Budhram and she was ordered to post $80,000 surety.
The case has been transferred to another Court, for July 20.


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