GT Bluetooth

Mess gat mess back
This bluetoothing thing really vibrant. People bluetoothing anything; faecal matter included. Somebody dump a load on Uncle Freddie de other night. Poor Uncle Freddie. Why de man “shy” he? Now, de bluetoother don’t agree with such action.
Uncle Freddie might got he ways, but to s**t up he literally, nah, dah ain’t right. De man got “stomach”. Uncle Freddie too. To dip, and hold, and wait and “shy”. Ughhh! I wanna puke.

That kind o’ holding and “shying” was prominent in some parts during de big flood in 2005. Now de flood gone thanks to de plenty kokers and El Nino. So is some other reason mek de man “shy” he. Plenty things “shying” around, oops… “flying” around de Bluetooth circuit about why Uncle Freddie was on de receiving end of human waste.

Finger-fast Bluetoothers are bluetoothing that maybe Uncle Freddie get “payback” fuh allegedly making a serious “pass” at de “shy” man daughter. Now some fathers does get real “dread” when “big” men “mess” around deh daughters. Can’t blame dem. If de story is true, den de old people saying that “knack gat knack back”, comes to mind. In Uncle Freddie case it might be “mess gat mess back”.

De Bluetoother notice how Uncle Freddie boys dem at de Waterfall paper ain’t sehing dat part o’ de story. Deh silent! Normally when other people, especially dem close to government, get into some kind ‘o controversy, all kinds ‘o source does be quoted to give plenty reasons fuh such stories. How come deh not sehing ‘bout de possibility de father might be de “shyer”?

One bluetoother seh how dem boys ain’t want fuh seh. Dem does only seh when it’s convenient. However, one excited bluetoother seh that de “shyer” gat to be a West Indies player or official, since de amount a s**t deh doing, some had to spill over! Hmmm.


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