(Nation News) HEADS OF CHURCHES across Barbados Saturday night endorsed a call to make next Sunday (Whit Sunday), a day of prayer for Prime Minister David Thompson.
The initial call came yesterday from eucharistic minister Hilford Murrell, who said Barbadians of every denomination should pray for the Prime Minister next Sunday.
Murrell made the call as he delivered the vote of thanks at a graduation ceremony for theological students at Codrington College, St John.
In a separate interview, Murrell said next Sunday was a special day in the Christian calendar.
“It is a day when people spoke in tongues, but it was all for a common purpose. That is why I believe that next Sunday would be a significant day for such prayers.”
On Friday, Thompson disclosed at a Press conference at his official residence Ilaro Court that he was ill. He made the announcement with his physician Dr Richard Ishmael by his side.
He explained that since early March he had been suffering with stomach pains and had undergone tests both here and at New York Prebysterian Hospital, said to be one of the best hospitals in the world.
Thompson said a definitive diagnosis should be known within the next two to three weeks and that “whatever information is necessary” would be made available.
Last night, a number of church leaders agreed that they would say special prayers for him on Whit Sunday.
Archbishop of the Anglican Church Dr John Holder said: “We pray for him every Sunday, but I have no problem whatsoever in saying a special prayer for him
next Sunday.”
Monsignor Vincent Blackett of the Catholic Church said he wholeheartedly endorsed such a call.
“I support a special day of prayer next Sunday. Just yesterday we asked that people pray for the Prime Minister. It will be wonderful to have a day of prayer.
“When I read about his illness, my heart went out to him and his family. He needs our prayers and support.”
Rev. Cuthbert Edwards, president of the South Caribbean District of the Methodist Church and superintendent of the James Street-Speightstown Circuit in Barbados, said the Methodist community would most definitely be participating in the special day of prayer.
“First of all, the Prime Minister has acknolwedged that he is a Methodist and so the community will continue to pray for him and his family every day, but next Sunday we will say a special prayer for him and his family.”
Rev. Colton Bennett, also of the Methodist Church, said: “He is a personal friend of mine and I was going to pray for him anyway, but we will definitely participate in a national day of prayer.”
Reverend Orlando Seale, District Superintendent of the Church of the Nazarene, told the SUNDAY SUN that while he was not informed officially, he would encourage the pastors of his churches to participate in special prayers for the Prime Minister.
Rev. Dr Carlisle Williams, district superintendent of the Wesleyan Holiness Church, also endorsed efforts to make next Sunday a special time to lift up Thompson
in prayer.
He said last night: “It is our responsibility to do it. We need to pray for our leaders; it is what the Bible says.”
Prayers for Prime Minister David Thompson