President assures residents…
– works ongoing
President Bharrat Jagdeo does not count the cost. He said that, as the economy improves through prudent fiscal management, life in the country will progressively get better and all the promises that the PPP made in its Manifesto will be fulfilled. Building airstrips on the islands of Wakenaam and Leguan were promises made in the PPP/C’s 2006 Manifesto, because of the fact that travel in times of emergency to the mainland would be timely, which could save lives and provide a comfortable alternative means of travel to both residents and visitors, especially those from the Diaspora who may be time-constrained. The 20-acre plot of land will be converted into an airstrip at a cost of $14 million which, according to the President, is no price to pay for saving lives of the residents in the event that an airlift becomes necessary if such an eventuality arises. President Jagdeo speaks to an official at the airstrip site at Wakenaam yesterday. (Adrian Narine photos)
Multi-million-dollar airstrip will be built at Wakenaam