Incest, child molestation, rape, having sex with young girls too immature to make judgement calls on their own readiness for such a huge step in their lives should have only one remedy – castrate them, but not as punishment.
They are sick, and the same way a surgeon would excise a spleen, or a rotting limb that is injurious to the total wellbeing of the individual, so too should the offending member be excised.
If this is done then, even as eunuchs these one-time sexual predators would be able to contribute to society.
Locking them away for a duration only costs taxpayer dollars that could be diverted to other developmental imperatives, and they would not change, but more than likely they would seek out other victims upon their release, so solve their problems, and that of their potential victims and society as a whole by showing mercy to everyone – castrate them.
What gives anyone the right to violate the body of another person? Moreso, many of these predators have multiple partners or disreputable lifestyles, so the risk of sexually transmitted disease being contracted by the victim is a very real possibility. This, along with the emotional and it is incumbent upon the guardians to give justice to the innocent victims so that they could have some degree of closure to their ordeal and trauma, and to protect potential of these predators.
STAMP IT OUT! Too long have the innocents suffered – young girls whose reproductive systems have been destroyed, babies whose intestinal tracts have been damaged, women and children who have ineradicable psychological and emotional scars that make them dysfunctional for the rest of their lives.
These people are murderers. They murder the infants that will never be born to the girls who can never have babies. They murder children whom they have vested with chronic ailments of one kind or another until they die; and, worse of all, they murder the trust and the dreams of their victims; so castrate them. They take away infinitely precious commodities of society when they violate one member of the human family in such heinous ways, so it is only fair and just that they are deprived the use of that offending member, infinitely precious to them, which they cannot control and which makes them predators of a society. Rather than ostracizing them, the offending member should be excised, after which they should be ordered to serve their victims all their lives in recompense for the harm they have caused.
Three females living alone – a mother and two young daughters, had their home invaded, their possessions stolen; but as if that was not enough, the perpetrator took the young girl away from her mother and raped her.
Who can imagine the horror of such an ordeal? Who can understand the feelings of the mother and sister, who were rendered helpless as the youngest member, and most likely the most loved, of their family was violated in such a horrific manner?
Young girls lured, raped and killed by persons they trust. How many stories of such incidents proliferate? Daughters raped by fathers, brothers, uncles, grandfathers. Can one imagine the absolute helplessness of these victims, betrayed so callously by persons whom are supposed to protect them instead?
Home invasions by robbers, who steal more than money and material possessions, take lives and destroy lives in the process then, when they are caught, some bleeding heart judge or magistrate rap their fingers and send them back into society to prey on the innocents once more. And when the police take punitive actions against them the Criminal Rights Associations of Guyana get into the act and begin a veritable frenzy of aggressive actions against the police and the Government without caring about the feelings of the victims.
But police also need to show restraint and act within the confines of the law, otherwise they may very well derail their own cases, as in the case of what the collective opposition dubs the “tortured teen” and his alleged accomplices.
These young men were accused of some serious crimes, including rape and murder, to which they had confessed, even providing details that proved their complicity, yet, because of the methods used to elicit the information, they were set free and the policemen were instead charged. Did anyone ever wonder why the genitals of that teenager were set aflame?
There are many persons in society who have condemned this act who would have acted in that manner if someone they love was a victim of a rapist.
So there should also be a penalty for those who show mercy to these predators – lock them up with sexual predators that have gone without for a decade so that they can learn to sympathize and empathize with the victims instead of the perpetrators.