OUR national flag is a symbol of our pride and sovereignty as a nation. I love Guyana, and hence, I hurts me to see our nation’s symbol—the Golden Arrowhead—being flown in a damaged and torn state. The doctors’ quarters in New Amsterdam where the doctors reside has two very torn, battered and pieces of the Golden Arrowhead flying, attached to a two pieces of stick on to two of the buildings in the compound. The doctors’ residence opposite the New Amsterdam Hospital had a similar scenario a few months ago. However, the pieces of our flag gradually disintegrated right on the very pole attached to the building and now just the stick (pole) remains.
Mashramani is coming up. Our 40TH Anniversary as a Republic is fast approaching. I hope that this form of disrespect to this beloved symbol of all that we stand for is corrected. Let us Guyanese exhibit some sort of pride when we display our national flag. Fly our flag all year round. And replace it when it is badly torn and battered.
Golden Arrowhead being flown in a damaged state