Blessed be the Three Rivers Kids Foundation

It behoves me as one who is thrilled by humanitarian efforts to congratulate the team at Three Rivers Kids Foundation for doing an awesome job on behalf of the Guyanese community.
I have known this foundation for a while and had the pleasure of meeting the Doctor from India who performs these surgeries on our children suffering with congenital heart disease.

Recently I met with some of the children and parents travelling to India via Toronto and found the humility in their eyes and the gratitude in their demeanour for receiving this gift from people who care, regardless of race, religion and country.
Kudos to our sister in humanity , Jeanette Singh for taking it upon herself to travel with these many children and their guardians on such a life-critical trip and yet hasn’t had one lost among the successful fifty five cases in the last five years. While it may be cheaper in Guyana to do such an operation, the lack of resources and willingness to harness seems to be the bottom of things. It costs five thousand dollars in India while in North America that will have to be ten times more.

Can’t neighbouring countries with such facilities come to the rescue of these children.
Haiti has taught that us, if anything, that trials come to those who are affected and to those who can help.

Family comes first and when others make that happen, then it’s double reward.

2:155 Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (of your toil), but give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere.

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