The bauxite company has maintained its promises to its workers to re-start production so that they can take home a decent pay-packet for the upcoming Christmas Holidays.
Yesterday the mining personnel restarted operations in Kwakwani and Aroaima. At 15:30 h the Drying Plant was turned on, despite some attempts by misguided residents of Ladernville to interrupt production.
Once again, management would like to acknowledge the loyalty and courage of those workers who returned Thursday and Friday to mine site. Those workers, who were scheduled to report on 26th November, 2009, are kindly asked to assemble at the Linden Constabulary Compound tomorrow at 13:00 h. All other current employees of the company who are interested in resuming their work should contact the Human Resource Department at 440-2313 ext 5405 for further information and advice.
The Management hopes to stabilise the production and restore normalcy within the near future; after which it will proceed to make payments for its obligations to workers (Monthly Production Bonus, Safety Bonus etc). Management is also exploring all options to enhance the year-end pay-packet.