Moved by presentations of US Embassy staffers

I was extremely moved and impressed with the presentations done by staffers of the United States Embassy to students of various schools in Guyana for International Education Week.

I always believe that the United States of America is the most humane and generous around. That is a nation built on human understanding and goodwill. That is a nation of laws and excellent leadership. I firmly believe in its JUSTICE AND YES MERCY.

There may be periods of trouble or particular leadership which may temporarily create confusion as to the humanity of America and even damaging the economy of the United States and the world, but these are always replaced, and the new righteous leaders repair the damage and rebuild the economy again. For example in recent times we saw President Bill Clinton and now a great benefactor to America and humanity, President Obama, whose Presidency is a Prophesy that had to be fulfilled to my opinion.

The President of the United States in March spoke of the importance of educational exchanges as a means to promote mutual understanding and respect, according to the press reports. The report went to say: “IEW gives us all an opportunity to answer Obama’s call to demonstrate the benefits of exchanges.”

But sometimes certain staffers could confuse the President’s aim and cause some to lose respect for the United States when they make decisions maybe based on enthusiasm. I will not say they are incompetent nor biased, but I would say suspicious, which could destroy lives, ambitions and relatives investment in their sons, daughters, cousins’ nieces and nephews’ education.

Thrice a brilliant, most decent and qualified was given visas to do Medical Examinations prep, and the Exam, but according to the Dean he and the others were not fully ready for the USMLE. The wonderful Youngman returned in time before his last visa expired. When he took his last Prep Exam called MBME, the Dean sanctioned it, and sent his letter for the USMLE Exam, monies was paid, books, vehicle and an apartment were there in the US, all paid and being paid for, but despite getting a visa thrice, they refused when it was needed the most. The suspicion is that he maybe worked, oh for God’s Sake, as the Americans would say and for Crying Out Loud, wash dishes, pump gas, when his families invested nearly $200,00) (US). He went again, and again, and refused with the same suspicion.

To my opinion this smacks of insult to the President of the United States policy of international integration and respect. Everything humanly possible was offered including leaving a bond, being accompanied by US relatives, or an appointed security service in the US just for him to write the exam, still they refused. I honest to God believe that the officer made a serious human error but we would never disrespect him or the United States. But I did say that MANKIND MUST NEVER LOSE THEIR MERCY. It is a great Gift of God to his creation. I just ask, if I was to write the president of the US or he knows of this, or Mrs. Clinton, what they say. I believe they would be disappointed as the young brilliant life being put out to die. Three visas always returned on time and at the moment when ready for the examination the application is refused and three times too. Why….destiny…..karma……let us take comfort in that.

I applaud the president of the US, the beloved Obama for his vision and understanding of internationalism and humanity. I salute him.

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