‘Radical fundamentalist’ label a disservice to all Muslims and others

IN order to properly understand the Muslim world’s concept of human rights under the law it is helpful to have a basic grasp of the concept of Islamic Law.

The general public and many academics have several preconceived notions about Islamic Law. One such notion is that Islamic judges are bound by ancient and outdated rules of fixed punishments for all crimes. Some people explore that idea and looks at other myths in an attempt to present Islamic Law from non-biased view of Sharia Law.

Some contemporary scholars fail to recognize Islamic Law as an equal to English Law, European Civil Law and Socialist Law. A few academics have even attempted to place Islamic Law into the Civil Law tradition. Others have simply added their works on comparative justice on the religious law categories of Islamic Law, which still used in some parts of the world, and the Law of Moses from the Old Testament which still guides the current thought of the Israeli Knesset (Parliament) today.

Islamic Law and Jurisprudence is not always understood by the western press. Although it is the responsibility of the mass media to bring to the world’s attention violations of human rights and act of terror, many believe that media stereotyping of all Muslims is a major problem. The recent bombing at many cities is a prime example. The media often used the term “Islamic Fundamentalist”.

The media has used the label of “Islamic Fundamentalist” to imply all kinds of possible negative connotations: terrorist, kidnappers, and hostage takers. A Muslim who is trying to live his religion is indeed a true believer in God. This person tries to live according to all of the tenets of the religion in a fundamental way. Thus, a true Muslim is a fundamentalist in the practice of that religion, but a true Muslim is not a radical, because the Quran teaches tolerance and moderation in all things. When the popular media generalise from the fundamentalist believer to the “radical fundamentalist” label they do a disservice to all Muslims and others.

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