GUYANA should take measures to benefit from the Copenhagen climate summit in December. Leaders of major industrialized and developing countries held their annual summit in Italy two weeks ago discussing, among other issues, climate change. The effect of greenhouse gases linked to global warming was the hot topic discussion. The discussion on climate is extremely important to the Caribbean region as scientists predict that most of the islands will be covered by water in about 50 years. Taking action to control global warming that melts icebergs is urgently required and all nations should do their part to help reduce carbon emission which is the major culprit of global warming.
With regards to climate discussion, there was no firm agreement at the conclusion of the summit. The industrialized countries are unwilling to severely cut their carbon pollution. They urge China, India and a few other developing countries to move to a less polluting path to development. India and other developing countries want the developed world to cut back its emissions sharply. It should be noted that reports say that the major industrialized economies account for 80% of carbon emission. The Indian Prime Minister told reporters that his country recognised its responsibility to control greenhouse gas emissions and will do its bit, but the other countries also need to do their part. Prime Minister Singh said “India was quite alive to the dangers of climate change and in fact climate change was already taking place. He had also presented India’s climate action plan and outlined the eight national missions to address the issue”.
Singh also said that “India is willing to provide additional financial support as well as technological transfers from developed to developing countries so that green, sustainable development can really become an effective instrument of strengthening the atmosphere to tackle climate change”.
So, although there was no firm agreement at the G-8, the discussion laid the framework for a follow up during the summit on climate change which will be held in Copenhagen in December. This should be a priority of all mankind because we all face threat of survival. The government should take measures that will lead to funds from the major countries for preserving the environment.