Stray cattle nuisance a serious problem at Suddie Hospital

STRAY cattle nuisance continues to be a serious problem for the Suddie Hospital Compound with much difficulty facing the administration in finding a solution to curb the ugly situation.

From my own observation, after being invited to make an on the spot inspection a few days ago, they were exactly 20 cows along with some goats and sheep making full use as a grazing ground in the compound.

Several pipelines were damaged from an obvious trampling upon by the cows which contributed to an unsanitary state by its dung harboring so many flies and the stench within a Regional health institution.

Ever so shocking evident too was freshly spattered watery dung on clean linen for staff members that was put on an open air line to dry and this was said to be occurring very often.

Many a time, and especially during the nights, it was explained while on duty, it was common to walk into the cow dung mess in the regular passage way or even I other parts of the compound.

It was pointed out that some time ago, stray catchers nearby were employed and had been doing a good job, but from treats being made to them and for fear of their safety decided not to continue any longer.

A male person was singled out of deliberately putting his cows to graze in the compound and was repeatedly warn to keep away his animals, but it was just like throwing water on ducks back. How can the law deal with someone for being so ruthlessly stubborn in his detrimental actions?

While the entire compound is well fenced with round the clock security guards at certain vantage points, a particular gate spot with no security is usually left open and from all appearances access becomes easy for the stray there.

Throughout the entire area, it is a well known fact that only Government places are being used as pastures with among them being N.O.C., the Cemetery, village office, Community Centre, Post Office, D and I office, Police Station, Public road shoulders as well as the sea defence and canal dams.

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