JP Association lauds the passing of Lay Magistrates’ Bill

IT is rather ironical to cry for help and when it is given, it is being criticised. The recent parliamentary response to the Lay Magistrates’ Bill 2009 is a case in point with differing points of view as its relevance.

However, the Justices of the Peace Association (JP) fully embraces the Bill and in fact, has been very vociferous with the immense help of the journalists from the media in agitating for its reintroduction in Parliament. Of course, it is historical and novel but nothing is wrong with it in terms of its concept. It is the implementation aspect by the administration that must come under the microscope.

The JP Association is confident that the process will be realistic, transparent and of merit.

The selection mechanism should be above board requiring appointees to be eligible, suitable and willing to serve. These appointees, who basically are expect to comprise non-lawyers, should be obviously drawn from sources including the JP membership, retirees in the education system, public servants of repute and retired magistrates.

The JP association suggests that a pilot project be first implemented in a few of the rural magisterial districts so as to get a feel of how the process works. As a matter of fact this is an experiment and must be carefully crafted to get the best results. There will be hiccoughs but these must serve as challenges to be confronted. We initially will learn from trial and error. Intensive training of personnel is also priority.

The JP Association keenly looks forward to future revelations as regards post-planning on this Bill and in what way they said Association could be involved towards the completion and realisation by this injection into the judicial system.

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