Manickchand challenges empowered women to leave abusive situations

ONE hundred and seventeen participants have graduated from a ‘Livelihood Development for Rural Women’ course jointly organised by the women’s arm of Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG) and Human Concern International (HCI), a registered charity in Canada.

The graduates were selected from West Coast Demerara and East Bank Essequibo and, after attending classes for a period of six months, they each received certificates of competency in either cooking or sewing.

The objective of the project was to provide sustainable livelihood opportunities and income generation to rural Guyanese women.

In addition to creating employment, the intention was to help the women develop entrepreneurial skills and self-confidence.

On the occasion of their graduation last Thursday, at Tuschen Old Road Masjid, East Bank Essequibo, Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Ms. Priya Manickchand challenged them to stop making excuses for staying in abusive relationships.

She complimented the Project Coordinator, Ms. Shaneeza Mohamed, for her creativity and interest in doing more for the women than just training them.

Manickchand remarked that the types of food that were on display indicated that the training was holistic and she encouraged the women to fully utilise their skills, noting that much has been done against them in Guyana.

Returning to her theme, she said women often excuse their remaining in situations of abuse and pointed out that the finished programme will empower and give them the necessary tools they need to remove themselves from such circumstances.

Manickchand referred to the Domestic Violence Act and pledged that the Government will do all that it is duty bound to do.

However, she said they cannot solve the problem alone and would require the help of religious and support groups, as well as members of the public.

Manickchand said, with the completion of their training, the women are now qualified to go out and find employment and, in doing so, they would no longer be financially dependent on men.

She also suggested that those who are interested leave their names and other particulars with their coordinator, so that they can be involved in the Government uniform programmes.

Manickchand said her ministry, upon receiving the information, would make the necessary arrangements for those who graduated in sewing to sew uniforms for children in riverain areas.

She observed that, if they use the acquired skills, they would save their children from going through the negative situations they did.

HCI has provided partial funding, of $2.3M, for the project which is expected to change the lives of all those who participated and derive benefit from the training.

Mr. Shaykh Moeenul Hack chaired the proceedings and Executive Director of HCI, Mr. Kaleem Akthar and Project Coordinator Mohamed also made presentations.


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