All across the country, the distrust and bitterness that prevailed for decades prior to 1992, when Guyanese warred against fellow Guyanese for the most frivolous reasons drummed up by political powerbrokers and kingmakers, the average Guyanese has been discovering that persons they once hated and distrusted are merely other human beings like themselves, and gradually the negative aspects of interrelation among members of the diverse political factions in the country have evolved into a better understanding and greater endeavour towards working for the common good.

But the human condition predisposes to breeding the odd creature whose egomania and arrogance reject the common good if it necessitates losing control of the dynamics of change in part or whole, thus entire programmes are often derailed because of one cuckoo in the nest.

In a democratic society Mr. Clement Corlette, Regional Chairman of Region 4 (Demerara/Mahaica), has decided that he should be the one defining the parameters of democracy, and his definition precludes freedom of expression, association, and the right of any other elected leader to address the concerns of citizens falling within the landscape of their elected mandate. That is, unless he has xpermittedx such activity.

What unmitigated gall!
This gentleman has arrogated to himself the right to eject particular members of media houses, especially the State media, from covering national activities that are constitutionally open to public scrutiny, even if the members of the public desire coverage of the event.

And if he does not get his own way, then he is not above throwing tantrums, and a punch or two.

For Heavenxs sake, in which civilized society is a public official allowed to get away with this public display of boorishness and brutishness, showing absolute unconcern for the interests of the persons whom he was elected to represent?

At a meeting held on 30th April at Yarrowkabra on the Soesdyke/Linden Highway, to deal with community issues in general, but primarily to address the formation of a Community Development Council (CDC) so that the community can better access assistance from Government and donor-sponsored developmental projects and programmes, Corlette, as has become his trademark policy, arrogantly attempted to eject the NCN news team.

At that the members of the community insisted that the news team remain, so Corlette unilaterally decided that it was either the members of the media leave and the meeting would continue; or if the news team stayed, the meeting would be cancelled.

Community members elected to have members of the media remain, at which point Corlette informed the other councillors that he was bringing a halt to the proceedings until further notice and immediately left, followed by the AFC councillor, Mr.Michael Carrington.

However, when he noticed that the PPP councillors, who recognized the imperative of addressing the relevant issues while they had an attentive and co-operative audience, were prepared to disregard his dictates and continue to hold the meeting with the people whom they were elected to represent, he returned and engaged the community in a verbal confrontation, insisting that the meeting be called off, a dictum the members of the community refused.

According to reports, this led to an escalation of the argument between Corlette and the members of the community, which resulted in the latter losing all restraint and physically assaulting a member of the community, all of which was caught on camera.

Is there any mechanism in place to remove such persons, who have become impediments to national development, from holding public office at taxpayersx expense. If not, then why not?

It is unthinkable that this arrogant attempt at dictatorship, in what is supposed to be a democratic organ, be allowed to prevail, at the expense of the members of the public for whose welfare these bodies were constituted to address, and whose interest should prevail over partisan and self-interest.

The demographics of the Soesdyke/Linden Highway make travel a difficult and expensive proposition, so when residents make the effort to garner their time and resources to convene at an appointed place and time to address concerns relevant to the upgrading of the community, then no arrogant public official should be allowed to unilaterally decide that their concerns are so unimportant that they can be dismissed at will.

The PPP/Civic councillors, who are grounded in the needs of the citizens of this country, recognized this and continued the meeting, to the chagrin of Corlette and the satisfaction of the community.

Public officials need to recognise that they are servants of the people, and not vice versa. If this is not acceptable to them, then they should do the honourable thing and resign; but then honour is a strange and unfamiliar credo to some persons, but one still wonders why an average citizen of the country can be prosecuted for assaulting someone and others seem to be above the law.

One remembers when a hue and a cry was made by Corlettexs Party over an incident involving a Minister of the Government, who did not assault anyone but was instead assaulted. I hope in the interest of justice and fairplay the same interest and attention with respect to adhering to the law of the land is shown by Corlettexs associates in this instance.

Guyanese unease
Effective midnight Monday, last, a new immigration policy in Barbados, as announced by that island’s Prime Minister, David Thompson as it relates to the status of undocumented immigrations, became legally bounded.

Under the new policy, all undocumented immigrants, Guyanese among the lot, have six months, until among the lot November 31, during which they are required to present themselves to the Immigration authorities and have their status regularised, or face being forcibly removed from the island.

The amnesty, only applies to persons who had been in the island eight years or more prior to 2005, and according to the Prime Minister, all others would be removed.”

However, immediately following the Prime Ministerxs announcement Police and Immigration Officers on the island have been carrying out unprecedented raids, resulting in report emanating from the island that it is mostly Guyanese who are being targeted.

A Guyanese source on the island told the Guyana Chronicle yesterday that the situation presently as it relates to Guyanese is xquite an xuneasy onex for the undocumented.

I don’t know about the other nationals but those Guyanese it is a matter of uncertainty, yesterday (Monday) was a national holiday here, I guess things will begin to fully heat up as of today (yesterday).Those of us who were here legally and should have been going in to the Barbadian immigration offices now for an extension on their stay, are skeptical, as we donxt know what to expect,x said the source.

It’s a case where they are like breaking up happy families, you know how, some Guyanese women live in a common-law relationship with Bajan men and children are involved. Some of these men have already accepted responsibility for the Guyanese children of their paramour as their own.

This reminds me of the situation with the US visa that has resulted in a number of broken homes, leaving especially mothers to take care of children who sometimes become wayward because there is no male figure in the home, the source added.

It was pointed out that even entertainment spots have begun to feel the squeeze as haunts and events which previously which were well supported by Guyanese, have been experiencing a decline in patronage

The ruling, which also affects a large number of Jamaicans and Vincentians, is according to another source taking a toll on several Guyanese construction workers who dare to remain on the job.

The immigration officials are no longer issuing extensions or granting work permits. I now find myself in a situation where I had a legal permit but it has expired and Ixm now afraid to go to the immigration department, as you are hearing all sorts of things, the Guyanese added.

The source added that it is xthe uncharacter-like doing of some of our own that has put us in this predicament,x pointing out that some Guyanese are involved in using forged work permits; having false extension dates inserted in their passports, prostitution, and some even enter to the island using false documentation.

The move is a little high-handed as some of us are towing the line, but this is a typical example of one bad apple too much spoiling the entire barrel. Some of us are here working hard day and night just to make our lives better, while others, through their behaviour are giving us (Guyanese) a bad name, but it’s the Bajanxs country, they are the piper and they are calling the tune .

Other reports reaching the Chronicle are that while several Guyanese have already been sent home involuntarily, many are making and have already made plans to pack up and leave.

Unfortunately, for those who have been sent home involuntarily, when nabbed they are not allowed to pack their belongings, and when taken to the Grantley Adams airport holding area, they have to purchase their own travelling document. For the undocumented who do not have cash or relatives and good friends to help out, they are reportedly kept in detention for days, until they can be placed on a flight out of the island

Vincentian Prime Minister has not taken kindly to the new immigration policy by his CARICOM colleague, and has described the move as discriminatory and one that will eventually result in the collapse of the much-talked about Caribbean Single Market and Economy (CSME).

In a recent statement to the Vincentian House of Parliament, Gonsalves said it was sad that some political leaders are xstoking chauvinistic fires which are latent in our Caribbean societies,x though he did not specifically name Barbados.

This has led here and there to an outpouring of a malignant xenophobia particularly against Guyanese, Jamaicans, Vincentians, St Lucians and Grenadians,x he was reported as saying, adding that if the discrimination does not stop, then xCARICOM would shortly be rent asunder.

Barbados Opposition Leader, Mia Mottley, has also challenged her Prime Minister on his ruling , saying the structure was unfortunate as it gave the distinct impression that the Barbados government is only concerned with the illegal immigrants from Caribbean countries, but not those who are there from outside of the region, that is from Europe and North America.

“This action coming on the heels of the Prime Minister’s statement in Guyana of Ever so welcome, wait for a call and the draconian way in which many CARICOM immigrants have been unceremoniously removed from Barbados over the last year will undoubtedly have implications for Barbadians working and moving in the wider region. The stated policy of the Barbados Custom Department to remove the green line at the airport for all regional flights compounds the situation,” Mottley was quoted as saying.

She also called on Thompson, who holds the portfolio in CARICOM as the lead Prime Minister of the CSME, to urgently show leadership and ensure the urgent settlement of the long awaited Protocol on Contingent Rights that will settle what benefits CARICOM citizens will access if they live in another CARICOM country.

Recently, Head of the HEAD of the Presidential Secretariat (HPS) Dr. Roger Luncheon in addressing the issue said, the resolution of the issues facing Guyanese and other CARICOM nationals in Barbados is not going to be advanced solely on the basis of xpublic scrutiny.

According to the Cabinet Secretary, the matter has to be put in context and two aspects cannot be ignored (, the trials and tribulations of CARICOM nationals who for various reasons are not residents in their state of origin, has been a matter that probably is as long in gestation and handling as the Revised Treaty (Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas) itself., maybe even older than the Revised Treaty.


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