THE Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG) congratulates the Nation on the commemoration of its 171st anniversary of the Arrival of Indian Immigrants to Guyana.
Today is a day for us to reflect and to pray for those of our ancestors, who made this journey across the xKalapanix and arrived on the 5th May, 1838.
As we pay tribute to them, we reflect on their numerous achievements which were the result of their strong faith in GOD combined with their zeal for a better life.
We the descendants benefitted from a foundation which was built on sacrifice, truth, morality, strong resilience, optimism and a willingness to convert every stumbling block into a stepping stone.
They sought xadvantage in disadvantagex and xunity in diversity.x
We have inherited an abundance of good. It is our duty to continue their legacy and rise to greater heights.
Although these are significant achievements, we must not allow ourselves to be in a mode of complacency but we must work assiduously towards the development of all the peoples of our country.
We need to educate ourselves both religiously and secularly and put into practice our religious beliefs which will help us to develop strong families, strong communities and a healthy and prosperous country, as well as obtaining the pleasure of the creator.
Morality was the main reason for their success.
Morality is the distinction between animal life and human life.
Al Hajj Fazeel M. Ferouz
Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana.