Renewed calls by GTUC President for subvention return surprising

I was quite surprised to hear on Prime News recently that the President of the Guyana Trades Union Congress, Gillian Burton has renewed calls for the return of the subvention to the Critchlow Labour College.

I distinctly remember that last year when this matter was raised it was stated that the subvention would not continue under the peculiar circumstance at the time but rather something would be worked out with the stakeholders to ensure that it is addressed.

From Ms. Burton statements I gather that she is displeased with these arrangements and is calling for greater benefits?

Further, I move to make an objective statement by saying that the stakeholders need to be willing to inform the government of all the arrangements that are taking place.

It may be an understatement to say that many things are going on that they are withholding from the public. I remember Dr Roger Luncheon addressing this situation and saying that government is willing to sit with stakeholders to have the situation modified in an attempt to restore the subvention.

I assume since Ms. Burton is asking for the subventions to be returned that the matters were not ironed out to allow for this to happen?

Further, while the GTUC has been recognised as the exclusive representative of organised labour in Guyana with the emergence of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana this has changed.

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