Rohee says PPP ready for local gov’t elections
Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee
Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee

– but a number of measures still not in place before elections can be held

GENERAL Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Home Affairs Minister, Clement Rohee, yesterday declared the PPP as standing ready to embrace the electorate whenever local government elections are called.
Speaking at that party’s weekly press conference at Freedom House in Georgetown, Rohee said the party prefers that a number of measures be put in place before the elections are held.

“We have never said unequivocally ‘No, we don’t want local government elections’. There are still a number of issues – legislative (and) regulatory — that have to be put in place in order for the elections to be successfully held.” – Clement Rohee

“We have never said unequivocally ‘No, we don’t want local government elections’. There are still a number of issues – legislative (and) regulatory — that have to be put in place in order for the elections to be successfully held,” Rohee told reporters.

“The PPP wishes to state categorically that it is not opposed to the holding of local government or general and regional elections. The party has always championed the cause of free and fair elections, both at the national and local levels.

“Contrary to what is being peddled in Opposition quarters, the party has never shied away from the electorate. Rather, it has always embraced the electorate, and has the proud and enviable record of never losing a democratic election since the 1950s.

“Today (PNC/APNU) is shedding crocodile tears about the necessity of holding local government elections when it never, in its 28 years in government, allowed for a free and democratic poll.” – Rohee

He said the PPP’s optimism is based on the supreme confidence which the people have reposed in it since the 1950s.
Rohee said the PPP is calling on Guyanese to be vigilant and not allow themselves to be duped by the political calls made for local government elections by Opposition Leader, David Granger and his APNU when that party has “consistently violated the democratic rights of the Guyanese people, both in and out of office”.

“Today (PNC/APNU) is shedding crocodile tears about the necessity of holding local government elections when it never, in its 28 years in government, allowed for a free and democratic poll,” Rohee declared.

(By Telesha Ramnarine)


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