Opposition rampages to sow disunity in the country

WHEN the opposition goes on a rampage during its intermittent forays to make the country ungovernable, innocent people get hurt – badly. People who sacrificed much and worked hard all their lives to build and sustain businesses lose everything in minutes.
The PNC’s great hero and candidate, Ronald Waddell, was caught on camera flush with a bucket at a gas station not far from where Regent Street was burning.
Black youths are socialised by opposition leaders to think that Indians robbed them to get rich, so they automatically feel that they have to wrest by force, even murder, anything Indians have. Hatred of Indians is ingrained into their psyche. Many Indian persons, who grew up in the arms of black people in rural communities have today become fearful anytime a black youth gets too close to them.
So the PNC did not only make Indians their victims, but they also made their own supporters their victims, because the most innocent, clean-living black youths are just as suspect as the perpetrators as a result of the difficulty to tell the difference between a criminal and a decent person.
When PNC leaders encourage young black men to attack members of the Indian community for gain and they experience the sweetness of freeness, it is merely a matter of time before they turn their voracious ways toward PNC supporters, which has been happening for a while now.
Today the hatred is being vented toward GuySuCo workers, on the wrongful premise that GuySuCo workers comprise only persons of Indian descent.
But there are a great number of PNC and AFC supporters who work in GuySuco who are being negatively affected from the political fallout.
The opposition leaders who encourage their supporters in Linden to feel that other Guyanese, including poor single mothers and old people struggling for their sustenance and that of their families should pay taxes and higher electricity rates so that electricity consumed by Lindeners could continue to be subsidised should remember that it is also opposition members throughout the rest of the country who are helping to sustain Linden’s free use of electricity consumption, so this issue should not be one of politics, but of equitable rights for all Guyanese.
If anyone is to follow the trends of Guyana’s political past, they would discover that an escalating crime wave and lobbying to derail developmental funding always correlate with this country’s election season, and post-elections.
And, true to tradition, the opposition cabal is ramping up its diatribe against the PPP/C Government, which they are determined to remove – not necessarily by fair means- even taking their anti-nationalist, practically treasonous propaganda to international fora.  As always, murderous criminal activities are rising in direct proportion.
Former President Bharrat Jagdeo had said, “Opposition should criticise the government when they make mistakes, and we are not perfect.  We do make mistakes sometimes and that (criticisms) is fair; but to have an assault on the Guyanese people through distortions is another matter.  To openly lie and peddle falsehoods is not a right of anyone, and that is not fair.
“If you listen to them carefully, their plans for Guyana – and for all of our people, is about what the PPP should or should not do – and it is all criticisms and negativity.  They have never, ever presented a positive plan for fixing the problems of Guyana and for creating a better life for our people……They criticise us in Parliament that we are spending too much money on housing.  When we allocated $4 billion to buy some land from GuySuco to produce some (additional) 10,000 house lots for Guyanese, they made a big issue of it in Parliament, criticising Irfaan Ali for this (initiative).  They know only about criticisms, but not about positive things…….
“We still have a long way to go, but we are getting there…… more and more people are benefiting.”
But the joint opposition has no intention to allow government’s developmental thrust to continue because this does not suit their agenda. Instead, they are trying desperately  to halt and/or reverse gains made through various stratagems, of which ramping up the inflammatory rhetoric – and the imbroglio over the electricity discord, with Lindeners being targeted as the latest cannon fodder, like they once used Buxtonians and their issues.
That the government’s developmental and people-empowerment initiatives have been re-generating confidence in the administration, to the extent where communities in the opposition enclaves are reaching out with trust and hope to the administration for improved living conditions and enhanced lifestyles, is inimical to their self-interested and self-centred agendas for self-aggrandizement and self-empowerment, and they are attempting to destabilise this budding unity in the Guyanese nation, and the people’s trust in the administration by whatever way possible, even to blaming the government for things  which they (the opposition) are culpable.
Yes, too much is at stake, and care needs to be taken by the people in the country that the opposition forces do not succeed in their evil intentions by sowing seeds of strife in the land once more, because it is the Guyanese people whom they are hurting.

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