Kirt Wynter is Mayor of New Amsterdam — Winifred Haywood is Deputy Mayor
Kirt Wynter Mayor of New Amsterdam
Kirt Wynter Mayor of New Amsterdam

KIRT Wynter was elected Mayor of New Amsterdam, on Friday at the inaugural meeting of the new council, after being nominated by APNU+AFC Councillor William Moore and seconded by Pollyann Shultz.A second nominee, Winifred Haywood, was nominated for the post by another coalition member, Angelique Springer, but the former educator immediately declined the position. Thereafter, Haywood was nominated and seconded by the mayor-elect and by APNU+AFC Councillor Busta Wright for the post of Deputy Mayor, and she accepted.

Wynter, a newspaper agent, is a “fresh face” in regard to local government matters, but would be ably supported by veteran politician Haywood, who served the council previously in various capacities.

Councillor Wright, a mathematician, was selected as Chairman of the Finance Committee; while the Deputy Mayor will function as the Vice-Chairperson. Other members of the Finance Committee are businesswoman Pollyann Shultz, Patricia Lynch, William Moore, Compton Grant and Eusi Smith.

Earlier, 12 APNU+AFC Councillors, along with two People’s Progressive Party councilors, took the Oath of Office before Returning Officer Town Clerk Sharon Alexander, in the presence of Deputy Regional Executive Officer Claude Henry and Minister of Social Protection Volda Lawrence.

The New Amsterdam Council now consists of Mayor Kirt Wynter, Deputy Mayor Winifred Haywood, fellow APNU+AFC councillors Kirt Fraser, Compton Grant, Sheenta Lambert, Polliann Shultz, Angelique Springer, Busta Wright, George Tucker, Eusi Smith, William Moore and Patricia Lynch; and Sewdat Singh and Elijah Timmers of the PPP.
The first statutory meeting is scheduled for April 25.


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