Gov’t comes in for nothing but high praise –for its ‘Because We Care’ initiative

THE Government of Guyana has come in for nothing but high praise for its ‘Because We Care’ initiative, in spite of the negativity of the naysayers. The following is a good indication of how the ordinary man-in-the-street feels about the exercise.

BERNADETTE SIMON: “I think this is a good initiative by the government because there are some parents who really can’t afford to send their children to school, you know; find their uniforms and things for them. But I’m sure that with this

RAY ADAMS, father: “I have two kids in school; the money is not to a large scale, but at least it can fill a hole. I’m grateful for it for the first, but I hope the government step-up to something bigger next year.”
RAY ADAMS, father: “I have two kids in school; the money is not to a large scale, but at least it can fill a hole. I’m grateful for it for the first, but I hope the government step-up to something bigger next year.”
SALENE DATT, grandmother: “This  $10,000 grant is a great initiative by the government, but children who do not have an attendance record of 80 per cent or above should not get it. Give it to those who go to school often; this is a great help to single-parents.”
SALENE DATT, grandmother: “This $10,000 grant is a great initiative by the government, but children who do not have an attendance record of 80 per cent or above should not get it. Give it to those who go to school often; this is a great help to single-parents.”

$10,000, their children will be going to school often. There would be less school drop-outs if the government should continue giving this money to parents to assist their children to go to school, because education is important. And without an education, there is no place for you in this country. So, it’s a good thing the government is doing, because a lot of parents in Guyana now are single parents. I’m glad for myself, but I’m more glad for my neighbour, who has six children going to school with bags being held together by safety-pins. I’m glad their mother can now afford to buy proper school bags for them.”
BIBI HUSSAIN, Nurse: “I’m very grateful, and it’s good that the government is giving $10,000 to each child; It will be a good help for some children who can’t afford travelling, textbooks or even lunch. I hope it will continue for attendance to improve, so that the government can see an improvement for their investment.”
SANDRA GRIFFITH, Grandmother: “This is a good venture by the government. I think the criterion for giving this money next year should be attendance. Children should have to attend school regularly before they get this money.
I have six grandchildren in the school system, and I’m planning to buy two bicycles for the high school students to go to school, because from where I’m living, transportation is very expensive. These bicycles will help improve their attendance. This is a very good initiative by the government; one of the best. And it should continue next year, and all the years to come.
I would like the Ministry to know that there are lots of children in Berbice who have not attended school since the new term started; the welfare officers from the Ministry should visit schools, get a list of absentees, and go to the children’s residences to investigate the reason why they are not in school.”

KAREN LOO: “I’VE got two children in the school system. The little one is disabled, and, so far, the government has supported us by giving her a school. This money will be used strictly for taking her to and from school; this money should be spent on the kids. The government is doing a splendid job by giving this money to parents, for some of them really can’t afford to send their children to school. This will be a great help for them. So, hats off to the government for thinking about this project, and going through with it. The $10,000 is a support for me, and I’m very grateful for that.
My daughter is medically impaired after returning from an operation in Colombia. And through the combined efforts of the Minister of Health and the Minister of Education, they’ve started a new school here to benefit kids who are impaired, so they’re not left out of the education system. And because of that, my daughter is having good benefits now; she’s able to focus on the four main subjects, and she’s doing well. I must say “thank you” to the Administration.”



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