– woman rescued from back house
FIRE of unknown origin on Saturday night gutted Fullworks Auto Spares building on Regent Street, Bourda.

The building situated east of Golyn & Sons, and two lots away from Safeway Security on Regent and Oronoque Streets, housed a Chinese clothing store.
Fortunately, the caretaker of a wooden house behind the store, Rusdale Farley, 38, was rescued by firemen who broke down the door and whisked her away to safety, before it was badly scorched by the fire.
Meanwhile, owner of the virtually destroyed building, Roshan Ali, told reporters that the tenants only conducted business on the premises but never lived there.
Ali said he was not immediately certain what might have caused the blaze. “I’m not sure. It’s on the eastern side where those wires are. It started there. When I came down, fire was on that one side,” he said forlornly.