Birthdays, Celebrations and Mental Health

Hello Everyone,
I hope this week has treated you well.
Tomorrow is my father, Denis Vieira’s birthday and he’s never been one to celebrate, as I’m sure most people are. No matter how much I push, he never wants to do anything. Therefore, this week I would like to dedicate my article to him and talk about how celebrating birthdays or just celebrations in general have an impact on our overall wellbeing.
Like everything else, it has both negative and positive effects. I cannot deny this so I’m going to get the negative out of the way so I can more focus on the positive.
The thing that birthdays, anniversaries or anything worth celebrating have in common is warning and notice. This means we know they are coming up. In many people this causes excitement and high expectations but that’s not always a good thing, especially with people going through hard times.
More often than not, high expectations result in many disappointments. It sounds very pessimistic, I know, but unfortunately it’s true. Then, of course, there is the organizing and planning-if there are celebrations/ parties involved. This can lead to stress, both emotionally and financially, as well as overuse of food and alcohol/ drug use.
Most Guyanese are “fashionably late” so when planning/ throwing an event, most people don’t show up on time which causes anxiety and the feeling that no one is coming. Then of course when they do show up, the pressure is on the host to make sure everyone has a good time- and that is stress! Then there is the reminder that you’re the one that’s going to have to clean up and that’s more stress! We’ve all been there, don’t deny it!
If you’re one of the many who are suffering from depression, anxiety or whatever mental disorder you have, I understand not wanting to celebrate as those already suffering from mental illness will have a much harder time if/when these things happen
Then of course, there are the birthday blues. Many people, myself included, dislike the feeling of becoming older, especially if they have not yet accomplished all they have wanted to or felt they would have by that age. It this case, it is an unwelcomed milestone that draws attention to the negatives in life.
Many people, especially women, have a hard time with aging. The reasons for this could be as superficial as they don’t want wrinkles on their face to more serious thoughts like fear of death. I, myself, at 26 sometimes have anxiety about how fast time is passing me by. So I understand.
What is a better, more positive outlook on aging? It’s a celebration of life, all your achievements thus far and a chance to consider where the next year will take you. If you haven’t achieved all your goals, now is a time to bring this into sharp focus. Who says it can’t be done this year ahead?
Celebrations are much more than cakes and decorations. It is a time to relax, socialise, de-stress and just have fun- for both kids and adults in any setting. It is a celebration of the relationships in our lives as we always encourage those closest to us to be around. It’s a celebration that we’ve made it to another year, as so many do not.
Celebrate the joy of being alive, and having the opportunity of doing something worthwhile with that life.

When researching this topic, I found an interesting study that focused on the positives of celebrating birthdays in the work place. It was found to be one of the most powerful motivators for employees as it increases recognition and lowers stress.
What about for children? My research showed how much we underestimate the importance of a birthday party for a child. When I was a child, my parents threw me the best and biggest parties. Some I remember and some I don’t but saw on home videos. I know that those functions shaped the way I socialise and the relationships I still have today.
I read the findings from a study done in the United States on children between the ages of 3-5. They were told three stories about two-year-old children who were celebrating birthdays
One had a party, one didn’t and the last one had two parties. The participant children in the study believed that the birthday party is what caused age. For example, they believed that the child who did not have a party remained two and the child who had two parties became age four. Interesting huh?
So, how can we make celebrating birthdays, anniversaries, and accomplishments easier?
Honestly, just lower your own expectations. You have don’t to spend all your money and time to throw a big party. Do something small or just go out with some close friends. That also means you don’t have to worry about the clean-up.
Also, it is good to reflect on your life and what you still need to accomplish but it’s even better to remind yourself of all the greatness you have achieved so far. Celebrate those! You do not need to focus on the future just yet but celebrate the brilliant year you’ve just had and everything you have overcome.
I always stress the importance of self-care. With all that we go through – work, school, house-work, raising children- everything, it is important to be pampered, acknowledged and to feel special for even one day. Also, presents/gifts. Enough said there really. Who doesn’t enjoy those?
Finally, statistics show that people who have the most birthdays live the longest. Ha, just a little captain obvious humour.

Thanking you for reading. Please keep sending any topics you’d like to talk about to Or come in to see me at:

Georgetown Public Hospital: Psychiatric Department:
Monday- Friday – 8am- 12pm

Woodlands Hospital: Outpatient Department
Drug and Alcohol group meetings – Mondays 4:15
Good mental health group meetings- Wednesdays 4:15

Say Yes to Life and No to Drugs! Always!

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