SOCIAL Protection Minister, Volda Lawrence has made an impassioned call for an aggressive campaign to combat the scourge of child sexual abuse, currently testing the resolve of governments the world over. “We cannot allow our children to be continuously victimised by unscrupulous perpetrators; we have to mount an aggressive campaign to combat this trend and to destroy this monster,” she said.
“This monster is mauling and threatening to destroy the lives of many of our children,” she told a rally on the Corentyne in Berbice to mark Child Protection Week.

To prove how serious the situation is here, Minister Lawrence said, “The ministry, moreso the Child Protection Agency, is bombarded by reports of sexual abuse acts perpetrated on children and young adults, leaving them so traumatised they’re finding it difficult to enjoy the life of normalcy thereafter…”
She said that it is with this thought aforemost that the rally was being held in Berbice so as to let folks out there know what is happening with our children; and to raise awareness among the children themselves so as they’d be better able to protect themselves should the occasion arise.
That said, she used the opportunity to commend Director of the Child Protection Agency, Ann Greene and her staff, as well as the St Francis Community Developers’ Alex Foster and his team for organising the rally and initiating a plan of action for the community.
Noting that the government is committed to protecting children, the human resources of the future, Minister Lawrence said rallies are integral to her ministry’s plan for reducing and eliminating the high incidence of sexually abusive acts against children, in the hope that the family, the community and agencies would be armed with the requisite skills to fight this scourge.
The theme itself, “Breaking the silence on Child Sexual abuse”, she said, says it all, as it allows attendees to overcome their bashfulness, and raise their voices against those who are taking advantage of, and abusing our children.
According to CPA’s Ms Greene, 76.6 % of the reported child sexual abuse cases were from victims within the very Region 6 (East Berbice/Corentyne).
“From January to June 2015,” she said, “there has been 334 sexual abuse cases, with 256 coming from this region… And this is the tip of the iceberg, as child abuse is a hidden crime.”
As for the incidence of under-aged sexual activity resulting in pregnancy, Greene said not only is this becoming common, any hope for the perpetrators being brought to justice is few and far, as a number of cases fall down long before they reach the court, due to poor investigating techniques.
Further, Ms Green noted the tendency of ‘setting free ’, the perpetrator after the 72 hours have expired and even as the cases are referred to the Director of Public Prosecution for advice.
This, she said, has resulted in many perpetrators absconding from the community, country and the courts. “This this has to stop. The perpetrators must be placed before the courts within the seventy two hours ‘, she emphasised passionately.” Green said children who are sexually abused are tormented” …they feel they are responsible for the abuse or somehow they made it happen, and we are living in a society where the sexual violators are receiving more support than the victims, as many of the violators are family members . And parents and guardians urge the child not to tell anyone, and they continue to exist as though the act never occurred.”
The director informed the gathering that it was for this reason that children are taken from their homes and placed in alternative care, as it was very hard for a child to get over sexual abuse, even as family members and the community shun that victim. ‘’Today the messages must be strong that child abuse must not be tolerated in any form in our community. We must not stand idly and see child abuse destroy our children … No more can we stay silent. If you stay silent you are part of the problem, but if you speak out you are part of the solution. We must speak out and join with forces, to rid our society of this evil of child abuse.”
Meanwhile, Deputy Regional Executive Officer Mr. Imran Ally, noted that as an evolving nation, the government, and all stakeholders need to unite so as to initiate a conversation in an attempt of breaking the silence of child sexual abuse. ‘In so doing families need to be strengthened, so children can be protected…”