TWO masked bandits, armed respectively with a gun and cutlass, pounced on a young family at Lot 139 Gangaram, East Canje Berbice in the wee hours of Saturday morning, and reportedly carried away some $200,000 worth in jewellery and $45,000 in cash from sales garnered from a shop the family operates.Twenty-four-year-old Yadram Doorasammy explained that he was awakened by a loud sound emanating from his living room at about 02:00 hrs; and as got up to check, he was confronted by two men in black clothes.
“They break the window and take out the grill and come in. Them reach in the bedroom and drag we out,” he said, while noting that the robbers instructed the family to be quiet during the ordeal.
Demanding cash and jewellery, the bandits threatened to shoot the couple if they did not comply with the orders given to them.
The couple recently moved into their new home, and operates a grocery shop.
Yadram said he handed over all they had, but the men continued to demand more; and even threatened to shoot their four-year-old daughter.
“I tell them we don’t have any more, and one of them take a gun and
placed it at my baby head and said if we don’t hand over everything, ‘we
gon take she away’,” he related.
Having extorted all they could extract from the family, the bandits made good their escape on bicycles. The police were alerted and responded in a timely manner, but the criminals had already vanished.