Let us continue to be hopeful while banding together as one

Dear Editor,
TODAY, free from the rule of Great Britain, Guyana celebrates our 54th Independence; a feat earned by our forefathers through resilience and great strife.

On this historic occasion, we, the Guyana Islamic Forum for Education, Peace and Religious Solidarity, the Electric Mosque’s Presentation of the Teachings of Islam, in association with the Universal Peace Federation, Guyana, seize this opportunity to extend a joyous Independence Day to our President, His Excellency Brigadier David Arthur Granger, and his cabinet; Leader of the Opposition, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo and Dr. Irfaan Ali and their party; our politicians, the nation of Guyana, especially our fellow Guyanese brothers and sisters.

On this day, we must remember our Martyrs who died for the country, and put cultural differences aside so that we can unite as one and build the future our forefathers saw 54 years ago. They were the ones who struggled for our country, and sacrificed their lives for our Independence, making today of great importance to all Guyanese.

As a nation, we should take time to reflect on how far we have come, from a small colony to an independent nation, managing our resources and governing ourselves to become an independent State. Let us continue to protect and respect the nation we as Guyanese have worked so hard to build. We urge all of the citizens of this great nation to let this day remind us that cohesion is the only way for us to continue to grow and prosper.

Let us continue to be hopeful, while banding together as one human family under God, so that together we can overcome our challenges.

Hajji Dr. Roshan Khan Snr. 

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