Introduce economic, social package for workers
GAWU General-Secretary Seepaul Narine
GAWU General-Secretary Seepaul Narine

— GAWU urges gov’t

THE Guyana Agricultural & General Workers Union (GAWU) has called on the government to implement a comprehensive economic and social welfare package to meet the needs of workers.

This call was presented on Friday on behalf of the union by its General Secretary Seepaul Narine, who requested that the action be taken “urgently.”

“We, on this May Day, demand such a package be urgently formulated and must include no worker suffering any loss in pay; support for the self-employed; a waiver of taxes to alleviate the cost-of-living; suspension of utilities payments and obligations to hire purchase and lending institutions; distribution of hampers to every household; and appropriate protective equipment, transportation and hazard mitigation to all frontline workers,” he said.

Narine also called on employers of the public and private sectors to play a role in ensuring that the needs of workers are met. The general secretary also delved into political matters, making known the union’s displeasure with the election impasse, the government’s address of sugar workers’ and other workers’ issues.

He urged: “Comrades, on this May Day 2020, let us recognise that we need to be more assertive in demanding our rights and insist that we be involved in the decision-making processes that impact our lives. Today’s conditions do not call for complacency, but for greater activism and for united and principled actions.”

On behalf of GAWU, he also gave heartfelt thanks to frontline workers working daily to address the needs and challenges that have arisen due to the COVID-19 epidemic.

He said such efforts are greatly appreciated.

“As we confront this challenge, we hail the courage and dedicated service of our health professionals, our police and defence officers and others in the frontline who are risking their lives to stop the spread of the deadly virus. We recognise too the efforts of those who keep the lights on, the water running and the phones ringing. We see too the media workers who, at great risk, continue to keep the society informed and updated. Indeed, they all deserve our highest commendation and we of the GAWU on this May Day salute them,” Narine stated.


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