– to be properly realigned today, barge owners to pay cost of repairs
THE Demerara Harbour Bridge (DHB) has been opened to ‘light traffic’ following the completion of structural repairs to damage caused by a tug and barge which slammed into it on Monday.
These include cars, buses, SUVs and bikes. At 00:35 hours, a tug and barge loaded with gravel material came in contact with the bridge, on the southern side, hitting spans 12, 13 and 16, causing it to be shifted completely out of alignment.

Following the incident, the bridge was closed to vehicular traffic.
“Everyone contributed to allow us to bring this back on stream… we anticipated two-three days, but we are back on track… we have to really commend the workers of the bridge company, the police, commuters, the water taxis and MARAD (Maritime Administration Department) for the work they did and their cooperation,” said Patterson.
Despite the magnitude of the damage, workers of the Demerara Harbour Bridge Corporation were able to complete all structural repairs to the bridge in what, Minister of Public Infrastructure, David Patterson called, record time.
“The crew exceeded my expectations… our best guess was that the bridge would be reopened to light traffic around 6:00pm [18:00hrs] on Tuesday, but some of the guys decided to stay on and complete the work,” said Patterson during an on-air interview with the National Communications Network (NCN), on Tuesday.
Instead of its scheduled, 6:00pm (18:00hours) re-opening, the bridge was re-opened to light traffic at 14:00hours on Tuesday.
Patterson said he notified Commissioner of Police, Leslie James and Commanders of A and D Divisions about the intended opening. He said the bridge was opened to SUVs, minibuses, cars, motorcycles, but laden or empty trucks or canters were not allowed to cross the bridge because it is yet to be fully realigned.
“We have completed all the repairs to the bridge but, there is work to be done with getting the alignment right,” said the minister.
He said workers, who worked non-stop since the incident, will return to realign the structure, today. The realignment will, however, depend on the tide.
“We will do some adjustments during the next tidal change… the guys will have about 12 hours rest and start again in the morning,” said Patterson.
After the alignment, the bridge will be reassessed and then the authorities will decide when heavy vehicles can travel again.
General Manager of the Demerara Harbour Bridge Corporation, Rawlston Adams said the realignment will not impede the flow of traffic.
The alignment is also necessary for marine traffic to flow. The bridge has to be absolutely aligned for it to retract, but the authorities anticipate that marine traffic will be flowing again by Thursday.
“We are looking at aligning the structure… we have not been able to connect 13 and 14 and the retractor span stops at 11, so you need those spans to be aligned,” said Adams.
The damage to the bridge was far more extensive than anticipated, said the general manager, adding that there were initially problems with nine anchors but that number went up to 16 after further inspections.
The bridge company has been bearing the cost of repairs so far, but Adams said once they have completed the exercise, the total cost will be transferred to the owner of the vessel. It is a Panamanian vessel.
Meanwhile, as work continues, Minister Patterson said the water taxis will continue to operate until everything is back to normalcy.
He had said there are 55 water taxis that are functioning fully, while the coast guards were fully activated. For temporary measures, he said the water taxis will be in service until 22:00hrs.