Guyana lauds strong ties with EU
President David Granger shares a toast with European Ambassador to Guyana, Mr. Jernej Videtic at the
Europe Day celebrations Tuesday evening at the Pegasus Hotel (Adrian Narine photo)
President David Granger shares a toast with European Ambassador to Guyana, Mr. Jernej Videtic at the Europe Day celebrations Tuesday evening at the Pegasus Hotel (Adrian Narine photo)

…new EU-ACP pact to be completed soon

By Wendella Davidson

PRESIDENT David Granger, on Tuesday evening, hailed the strong ties between Guyana and the European Union even as he looks forward to the new economic partnership between the bloc and the African Caribbean and Pacific States.

The President made the remarks while addressing a large gathering at the Europe Day celebrations held at the Pegasus Hotel. President Granger said Europe’s journey towards greater collaboration, peace and prosperity was triggered in the wake of the World Wars by the Schuman Declaration of 9th May 1950.

He said Europe Day symbolises Europe’s quest for peace through economic cooperation and integration. Noting that the European Union is grounded in the values of democracy, equality, respect for diversity and human rights, President said the bloc has emerged as the world’s foremost international integration movement. “The EU embodies the virtues and values of multilateralism. Its efforts at global cooperation have addressed global challenges and advanced development,” the Guyanese leader told the gathering at the Pegasus Hotel.

He said Guyana attaches the highest priority to relations with the European Union which has been a valued partner in human and economic development, particularly for small, developing states. “Our long-standing relationship has been cemented within the ambit of successive Lomé Conventions and the current ACP-EU Cotonou Partnership Agreement.

Guyana is honoured to have been accorded the responsibility to lead the negotiations on behalf of the Caribbean. Georgetown, our capital city, you will recall, was the site for the signing of the Georgetown Agreement on 6th June 1975,” President Granger reminded the audience. He said the ‘Agreement’ marked the conception of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) which has enjoyed a vibrant partnership with the EU, commencing with the first Lomé Convention of 1975.

President David Granger, centre, and Head of the EU Delegation in Guyana, Ambassador Jernej Videti? ( second from left) toast to the celebration of Europe Day with First Lady Mrs Sandra Granger(second from right), Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Karen Cummings ( extreme right) and Mrs Videti? (at left)

Additionally, he said it paved the way, also, for Guyana to benefit from trade and developmental cooperation with the European Union in diverse fields – including agriculture, coastal zone management, education, health, housing, infrastructure development, public financial management reform and private sector development. “The European Union Delegation’s presence in Georgetown has facilitated the expansion of collaboration – including through technical assistance, and in the fields of competitiveness, climate change, electricity, gender relations, governance, poverty reduction, rural development, water and youth development,” the Guyanese leader detailed.

He said the country’s Green State Development Strategy will improve forest management and value-added production in timber products. “The signing of the Guyana-EU Foreign Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade Voluntary Partnership Agreement (FLEGT VPA) on 23rd November 2018 in Brussels allows for the strengthening of sustainable and legal forest management and the promotion of trade in legally produced timber.”

According to President Granger, the 11th EDF National Indicative Programme (2014-2020) for cooperation between the European Union and the Cooperative Republic of Guyana supports efforts at climate resilience and disaster reduction. “Guyana is optimistic that its strong, historic relations with the European Union will contribute to the continued consolidation of collaboration and to cooperation with the wider membership of the African, Caribbean and Pacific Group.”

President Granger also thanked EU Ambassador to Guyana, Jernej Videti?, for his service as Head of Delegation of the European Union to the Cooperative Republic of Guyana, noting that his tenure has helped to consolidate the excellent relations between the Guyana and the European Union. “I wish him every success in the future. I extend warmest congratulations on the occasion of Europe Day,” the President ended.

President David Granger pictured second from right along with (from left to right) First Lady, Ms. Sandra
Granger, wife of the Ambassador of the EU to Guyana Ms. Ruth Drizyte-Videtic; Ambassador of the EU
to Guyana Mr. Jernej Videtic and Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Karen Cummings (Adrian Narine photo)

Meanwhile, in his opening remarks, Ambassador Videti?, whose tour of duty ends in August, announced that the EU will soon begin an in-country dialogue with Guyana, focusing on policies and strategies to draft the new phase of cooperation. He spoke too, of during his tenure having approved some EU $83M to shore up areas in several sectors.

“The EU’s partnership with Guyana which is a member of the ACP group is strategic and this year represents an important milestone,” Videti? said adding that a new phase in the partnership will begin in 2020 and will be based on an existing policy framework by the European Consensus on Development which is a blueprint which aligns the European Union’s development policy with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The Consensus, Ambassador Videti? said, highlights important cross-cutting elements such as: youth; gender equality; mobility and migration; sustainable energy and climate change; investment and trade; good governance, democracy, the rule of law and human rights.


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