Oral Herpes

FEVER blisters are different from canker sores or cold sores. They are caused by a virus, Herpes Simplex, Type 1, and is very contagious. This virus remains in the body once an individual is infected and there is no cure for Herpes. You should avoid all physical contact with these lesions and avoid kissing during an outbreak of Herpes Simplex. The lesions spread very easily. Most children become infected from their parent that has active lesions. Children can spread the virus by rubbing an active lesion and touching other children. After the initial infection by the Herpes Virus, recurring lesions usually are less painful in most people.

Anyone that has ever experienced a severe aphthous ulcer (canker sore/cold sore), or ulcerative gingivitis knows how painful and uncomfortable this oral condition can be. Most people have their first bout with canker sores between the ages of 10 and 20. Women are more likely than men to have recurrent canker sores. Genetic studies show that susceptibility to recurrent outbreaks of the sores is inherent in some patients. This partially explains why the disorder is often shared by family members.

The scientific literature states that the etiological agent for canker sores is basically unknown. Canker sores are not contagious. More than one cause is likely, even for individual patients. Canker sores do not appear to be caused by any viruses or bacteria, although an allergy to a type of bacterium commonly found in the mouth may trigger them in some people. The sores may be caused by a faulty immune system that uses the body’s defence against disease to attack and destroy the normal cells of the mouth or tongue. There is strong scientific data that suggest these painful and troublesome lesions are the result of a bacterial imbalance and tissue invasion by certain bacteria.

Some believe they are the result of digestive acids, stress-related, activated and initiated by chemical or spices in food or activated by too much sun. There is some evidence that says hormonal imbalances with secondary factors initiate the lesions. Female sex hormones apparently play a role in causing canker sores. Many women have bouts of the sores only certain phases of their menstrual cycles. Most women experience improvement or remission of their canker sores during pregnancy. Both emotional stress and injury to the mouth can trigger outbreaks of canker sores, but these factors probably do not cause the disorder. Many believe the theory that certain foods such as milk, hot coffee, chocolate, cheese, vinegar, citrus fruits, whole wheat and nuts high in amino acid arginine initiate these lesions.

Fever blisters, being different than canker sores, are caused by herpes virus, Type 1, and most people are infected by the age of 10 years. Once a person is infected there are several factors that initiate recurring lesions. The scientific community believes that emotional stress, illness, injury, systemic disorders that cause fever, mate, sexual habits and a lot of exposure to sunlight weakens the body’s natural defences and will activate the herpes virus. It is well documented that many women experience active fever blisters only during the menstrual cycle. There is scientific data that indicate the herpes virus is inherited. You can experience symptoms with an outbreak of herpes virus such as fever, sore throat (swollen neck glands), headache or flu type symptom with general aches. There is ongoing research h on the initiating factors and control of Herpes Simplex.

Science continues to research these aggravating lesions and what causes them. British studies show that, in about 20 percent of patients, canker sores are due partially to nutritional deficiencies especially the lack of vitamin B12, folic acid and iron. Similar studies perform in the USA, however, have not confirmed this finding. In a small percentage of patients, canker sores occur with gastrointestinal problems, such as an inability to digest certain cereals. In these patients, canker sores appear to be part of a generalised disorder of the digestive tract.

Many individuals have lesions on a regular basis or experience the lesion on a seasonal basis. Some experience the lesions on a yearly basis with no explainable reason for what initiated the outbreak of the lesions. Chronic oral lesions that could be the result of multiple systemic infectious diseases such as chronic venereal diseases, tuberculosis and parasitic diseases have a very negative effect on the immune system and could be a source for transmission of the pathologic viruses or bacteria to your mate or sexual partners. Controlling the oral lesions is one of the first steps toward good health and reducing the chance for transmission of pathologic disease and ulcers.

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