‘Profound disquiet’
Richard Beliveau of Canadian High Commission
Richard Beliveau of Canadian High Commission

…Guyana cites Canadian HC for breach of Vienna Convention
…flays behaviour of diplomat in protest letter over Charrandass’ airport exit

By Zena Henry

THE Government of Guyana has expressed “profound disquiet” at what it believes is the violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic and Consular relations by the High Commission of Canada for the role it played in escorting defector Alliance For Change (AFC) Member of Parliament Charrandas Persaud, out of the country after he voted with the opposition to bring down the David Granger Administration last December.
A letter dispatched to the Canadian High Commission from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, parts of which were seen by this newspaper, has also expressed the government’s grave concern over the situation. On December 21 last, the former AFC MP had opted to vote with the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic (PPP/C) to oust the current government. Hours after, the former MP was on a plane to Canada. He was however escorted to the airport by an official of the Canadian High Commission in the person of Richard Beliveau and PPP/C member Peter Ramsaroop. The issue however, is that the men were able to access special protocol passes that allowed them access to restricted areas of the airport in their bid to ensure Persaud’s safe departure.

The Foreign Affairs Ministry contended in the letter however that “several acts and omissions” by Beliveau were brought to their attention. The ministry said that it was in receipt of “credible” information that on the morning following the vote, Charrandass was escorted to the Eugene F. Correia Airport by the Canadian official and Ramsaroop, and “… under heavy security by known criminal elements in Guyana.” Guyana Chronicle was told that confessed Death Squad hitman, Sean Hinds and PPP strongman Jason Abdulla were among those who provided security for Persaud.

Regarding the protocol pass at the airport, the foreign affairs office said that the Canadian official used his identification card, which the ministry issues, to secure the pass. “The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is unaware of any consular function which Mr. Beliveau was performing on the date and time in question,” their correspondence said. The ministry also pointed out that it was unaware of any threat to Persaud that would have even required consular protection.

Foreign Affairs Minister Carl Greenidge

Quizzed on the matter on the sidelines of an event at the Critchlow Labour College on Thursday, Minister Greenidge told reporters that as regard the process of acquiring a pass, it is quite clear. The members of the diplomatic missions, if they have official business to do at the airport, they will be issued with diplomatic IDs but if they have specific official business at the airport, they have to get a letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the minister stated.

In the letter, the Foreign Affairs Ministry said that the Canadian High Commission is fully aware of protocols to be observed in a sovereign state and thus viewed the behaviour of the Canadian diplomat and by extension its office, as a “unilateral act” deliberately violating international regulations.

Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana Lillian Chatterjee was summoned to a meeting by the Foreign Affairs Minister, Carl Greenidge on Wednesday but when requested, offered no comment on the discussions that took place. Minister Greenidge, while confirming that High Commissioner Chatterjee was summoned to a meeting at his office, declined to provide details of the meeting.

Based on a report submitted by Nadira Persaud, who was the Airport Duty Officer (ADO) on the morning of December 22, 2018, Ramsaroop and Beliveau entered her office and requested protocol passes to access the tarmac. “At approximately 4:25[am], Mr. Richard Beliveau entered the ADO office and requested a protocol pass to see someone off. He lodged his Ministry of Foreign Affairs ID#100863 and was issued Protocol Pass #3. Mr. Peter Ramsaroop, who was accompanying Mr. Beliveau also requested a pass, he lodged his national ID card and was issued Protocol Pass #2,” the ADO officer stated in her report dated December 28, 2018. The report was submitted to the airport’s Director of Security Harold Hopkinson.

Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana, Lillian Chatterjee

While the Guyana Chronicle understands that there was a breach in security protocol, Ogle Airport Inc. (OAI) has said that no breach occurred. In a statement on Monday, OAI explained that Persaud arrived at the airport accompanied by Beliveau and Ramsaroop. Persaud was a passenger on LIAT flight #LI 392 which departed the Eugene F. Correia International Airport at 6:17hrs on December 22, 2018 for Barbados.

Prior to Persaud’s departure, OAI explained that “Beliveau presented himself and his Ministry of Foreign Affairs ID Card to the airport duty officer and requested a pass to accompany a passenger to the aircraft. Mr. Peter Ramsaroop also requested a pass saying he was part of Mr. Beliveau’s party.”

“The airport duty officer, in accordance with an established courtesy practice as is requested by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs extended to diplomatic personnel, granted a protocol pass to both persons,” OAI explained. This newspaper, however, understands that diplomats do not have the authority to request protocol passes for civilians.

However, Ramsaroop has denied that he told the airport duty officer that he was accompanying the Canadian diplomat when the request for the pass was made. Beliveau, when contacted by the Guyana Chronicle over the weekend, cleared himself of ever requesting a protocol pass for Ramsaroop. “As far as I know, I requested a pass just for myself,” he said. Asked whether he requested a protocol pass for Ramsaroop, the Canadian Diplomat said “no, not at all.”

He added: “I got my own pass based on status as a consul, and I got the pass myself.” Beliveau had denied creating the impression that Ramsaroop was with him, which caused him to receive a protocol pass. While OAI is maintaining that there was no breach in security protocol, the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA) has ordered the Ogle Airport Inc. to suspend the issuance of protocol passes. GGAA conducted a security assessment at the airport after it was revealed that a civilian, in the person of Ramsaroop, was issued a protocol pass without the required clearance. The authority has since directed the airport to suspend the issuance of protocol passes until the system is further reviewed.

Ramsaroop on Wednesday confirmed that Persaud had asked him to provide security protection for him in exchange of the ‘yes’ vote. Ramsaroop is the adviser to Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo.

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