ONE OF the greatest concerns not only of consumers but of the public at large and of governments as well is health. Good health fosters greater life expectancy not only for adults but for children, since it reduces infant mortality. It protects individuals and countries from epidemics and in the words of Dr Adu-Krow, PAHO/WHO representative in Guyana “… it reduces poverty and the risk of hunger, creates jobs, drives economic growth and promotes gender equality”. There is, therefore, an indivisible mixture of humanitarian and economic reasons for good health in any country or society.

To illustrate this mixture, we will take one example, the relationship between health and economic development: If a country’s population is unhealthy, numerous man-hours of fruitful economic activity will be lost, thus inhibiting economic progress and growth. Such would result in fewer job opportunities, greater unemployment and greater poverty and greater human suffering. The State would also have to expend more money on healthcare.
Accordingly, all modern governments have adopted a policy of universal health for their populations and had done so when they agreed to the United Nations Sustainable Development goals in 2015. Universal Health is defined by PAHO/WHO as “ensuring that everyone, everywhere, has access to quality health services, without facing financial hardship. But universal health could only be achieved when political will is strong”.
Every year, on World Health Day, PAHO/WHO promotes a theme which is meant to guide and inspire the public and politicians for the rest of the year. This year’s theme “Universal Health, Everyone, Everywhere” encapsulates the totality of health programs, both public and private. In promoting this theme, PAHO/WHO in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health held an exhibition and fair at D’Urban Park. The exhibition was quite informative and displayed the offerings of the Ministry of Public Health.

The ancient Roman adage “Mens sana in corpore sano” (a healthy mind in a healthy body) covers the aspirations in any programme of public or personal health. Mental health is as important, if not more important, than physical health. In achieving mental health, one has to learn the art of exorcising tensions and stress. Belief in God gives the mind focus and strength in meeting the challenges of life and with a healthy mind one enjoys a better quality of life. Clarity of mind is necessary for productive activity and for one’s general well-being. Though not enough is known how to prevent mental degeneration leading to loss of memory or dementia in its various forms such as Alzheimer’s disease and no fully effective treatment has been discovered for such diseases, there are some treatments, mostly from Alternative Medicine, which could be usefully tried. For example, the daily intake of turmeric powder could be used as a preventative and as a treatment for dementia and could gradually reverse the condition. The wide use of turmeric comes from ancient Ayurvedic medicine.

The body, equally, needs to be healthy- corpus sanum. All religious traditions enjoin believers to cultivate a healthy body. The body houses the mind and spirit and it is through the senses of the body that we enjoy the material world. It is also through the body that we could embark upon the process of Enlightenment.

In maintaining the body in good health, it has to be cared for in a number of ways. First, there is the intake of food. Food is essential to good health and a balanced diet would consist of adequate proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. There are some intakes which are dangerous to health and these would include “fast foods” commonly called “junk food”, excessive alcohol and tobacco products. A healthy balanced diet is essential for a healthy body.

Regular exercise of the body is essential to strengthen it and make it healthier. There are many regimes of exercises available such as jogging, weight lifting, free-hand exercises and yoga. Yoga has elements of mind and spiritual development. The most authentic yoga training in Georgetown is offered at the Indian Cultural Centre. The physical sports such as cricket, football, squash, badminton and so on help to keep the body healthy.

In the modern world, the State has the responsibility of maintaining the health of the nation. This is so because the success of the State is ultimately bound up with the health of the people. With a healthy population, the State’s military would be more effective, the Economy would be more productive, there would be less crime and greater social concord.
In Guyana, the State invests in hospitals and health institutions countrywide which offer primary health care with the Georgetown Public Hospital (GPH) being the main referral hospital. The GPH has modern equipment and complicated and difficult procedures are done there. Free basic drugs are available to patients at all institutions. The Ministry of Health carries regular inoculation programmes which are generally successful, an example of such success being Guyana recently becoming a measles-free country. The Ministry also has a vector control unit which leads the countrywide efforts to eliminate mosquitoes and other insect pests. There are also regular programmes of health education.
The Environmental Department is also playing an increasingly important role in cultivating a healthier population.

Though Guyana is still some distance away from Universal Health, there is steady progress towards that goal.

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