Dear Editor,
IN AN attempt to resolve the impasse on the Diwali issue in Guyana, it may be quite useful to examine the system used by the Indian astrologers in determining their dates for Diwali in India. The Sree Venkateshwar Panchanga, commonly referred to as the ‘100-year Patra,’ has been the chief source of our calendar in Guyana for approximately one hundred years. All organizations in Guyana continue to use it. It follows the North Indian system, the same system followed by Hindus in Guyana. It should be mentioned that the astrologers of Trinidad, USA and Canada also follow the same system.
I have done an analysis of this Panchanga for the years 1990-2020. Tabulated hereunder are my findings for the years 1995 – 2001 and 2015 – 2018.
In my analysis, I have found:
(a) The Sree Venkateshvar Panchaanga has not interfered with the ending-time of the Tithi; it has not extended the moon’s phase whatsoever.
(b) It has consistently adhered to the age-old principle of locating Diwali within the time-span of the Amaavasya Tithi.
(c) Diwali has always been observed on the evening where Amaavasya prevails. Where Amaavasya prevails at the evening of the first day, Diwali is on that evening (1995 – 2001). Where Amaavasya prevails at the evening of the second day, Diwali is observed on the second day (2015 – 2018).
(d) For the years 1995 – 2001, Guyana and India celebrated Diwali on the same date; Amaavasya prevailed at the same evenings (first) for both countries. This was also the case for the years 2012 – 2014, and will be so for 2019 and 2020.
For Guyana, after making the necessary adjustment for the time difference of 9:30 hours, the principle as used by the Panchanga must then be followed, i.e. placing Diwali at the evening of Amaavasya. For 2016, the duration of Amaavasya will then be from 11:09am (20:39 – 9:30) on the 29th to 13:37pm (23:07 – 9:30) on the 30th. Following the principle and system used throughout the “100-year Panchanga,” Diwali will then be on the evening of the first day, i.e. 29th October. All other Panchangas support this position.