Cabinet approves procurement of solar home systems for hinterland electrification programme

-Installation to start September
CABINET has approved the procurement of up to 11,000 65W Solar Home Systems for the Low-Carbon Development Strategy (LCDS) Hinterland Electrification Programme (HEF).
At present, the majority of hinterland households, including some 80 percent of Guyana’s Amerindian population, are without electricity.

The programme will rectify this long-pervading inequity by providing access to clean and renewable energy throughout hinterland communities, and significantly contribute to Guyana’s overall Low-Carbon Development Strategy.
Allied to the Amaila Falls Hydropower project, the electrification programme’s implementation is a part and a major component of the LCDS to transform the country’s economy, and eliminate its dependence on fossil fuels and rising fuel prices for electricity generation.
When completed, the combined effect of HEF and the Amaila Falls Hydropower Project will in fact make Guyana one of the world’s highest consumers of renewable energy on a per capita basis.
The savings from the accelerating cost of imported fuel and resultant reduction in energy costs will play an important role in the strategy to secure Guyana’s low carbon economic development.

The 65W Solar Home Systems will provide each home with power for lighting, small household appliances such as a sewing machine, to generate income, and radios, thereby enhancing the communication capacity of these communities.
The programme, which will benefit all hinterland communities, is being executed by the Hinterland Electrification Unit within the Office of the Prime Minister, serving as overall project Coordinator in collaboration with the Ministry of Amerindian Affairs.
The Cabinet decision followed the conclusion of an international bidding process that resulted in over 40 expressions of interest.
The programme will cover all components of the Solar Home System, including installation costs, transportation, wiring, light fittings and maintenance and management training.  Each community will appoint persons to be trained in the installation, operation and maintenance of the Solar Home Systems.
Training is expected to begin in late August, and installation to commence in late September.

Village Councils will be fully responsible for the operation of the Solar Home Systems in their communities, and the residents in each village will pay a small monthly contribution to a fund managed by the Village Council for maintenance services.
The project plays a critical role in achieving the Millennium Development Goal of ensuring environmental sustainability in Guyana.

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