Climate Change and No. 63 Beach
CLIMATE CHANGE has been causing a negative impact on countries and the lives of people internationally but we can still do something to safeguard our lives. For years now India has been suffering from monsoons, Pakistan with mudslides, Indonesia had a devastating tsunami in 2006 December where thousands of people suffered and lost their lives and even interesting and horrifying environmental changes of late such as a “Swallowing Lake,” in America that gulps down houses that surround it have caused controversy through our minds and are wondering what would happen next, when will it happen and why should it happen?
I know and I am aware that everyone has his or her own beliefs such as majority I have been speaking to those who don’t have much exposure and experience about life and they are saying that the 2012 December 21 Judgment that has been predicted that made a popular movie is true and that has scared the minds of the illiterates and made them to think that the movie is actually true and that occurrence is going to happen soon and everyone is going to die, etc. etc. which might be a false rumour since it was on the internet the other day, on Yahoo. The Mayan predicted judgment day may be wrong according to our calendar and may occur another hundred years down the line.
On the other hand people who have exposure and know about climate change and are considered one of God’s children will not believe this “Movie” and will continue to have faith, trust and belief in God that he is our shepherd and we are his followers and everything is in his hands, under his control and we learn in church that everyone will forsake you but the good lord Jesus Christ will never forsake you, and only God will know the day of judgment and nobody else, so it queries my mind to know why people would bother about a dumb movie and put that in front of God.
The main objective in this article is that I would like to pinpoint that there are the dramatic climate changes especially the ongoing occurrences and recent terrifying changes that have interest my mind and am concerned why no one is not addressing this serious situation of the constant harsh and ferocious “spring tides” we have been experiencing at No. 63 beach that have caused the Atlantic Ocean to push forward the Berbice River so that channels in front of it break through with deep streams that are evident throughout the 63 beach as a sign that the waters are encroaching and approaching the public road and no one doesn’t care anything about this. Come on local citizens! You are supposed to be drawing the attention of the government to this situation and seek ways how to tackle this ongoing relentless issue of the high tidal. When you hear of government officials visiting your area on particular dates it is said among locals in groups that, “I can’t wait till the Minister, President, Prime Minister, etc., come, that I want to tell him/her about how they are not helping our area!” When these prominent government heads do show up, they listen to what they have to say at a public gathering and stitch their lips and say nothing about what they were supposed to address. Locals, you are not supposed to be afraid of targeting a particular matter of interest that has been bothering yourself and other community members because you in this case are trying to make a change for the betterment of the country and at the same time the officials would respond to you or refer you to some other department that could help your situation because that is their job and that is the reason why they are chosen to be heads of state to address and help situations. The high tides at 63 beach have affected thousands that have been frequenting the beach for picnic, recreation or pleasure because when these tourists, local or foreign have had a wonderful day at the beach and are ready to go home, the high tides prevent them from doing so since they are left marooned in the middle of the beach as a result of the high tides breaking through the beach entrance and the No.60 village dam and small streams throughout the beach are starting to cut through from the beach towards the roadside that is the main reason why I wrote that article dated Thursday September 23rd 2010 under the letters column it was published “Midpoint Access road needed at 63 beach beside resort,” because fortunately the tide allows residents to stay in the middle while they are engulfed by high water surrounding them. I have a great advantageous idea that the government can invest in since it will safeguard the citizens of the country from future flooding and as a result will not cause destruction and no need for rehabilitation expenses since the idea of a durable sea defense is needed at 63 beach in order to keep the economy intact and prevent it from dying. Since the great Berbice River Bridge was commissioned by His Excellency, our president Bharrat Jagdeo, there has been a large influx of visitors frequenting the 63 beach on weekends and the best thing to do in this high tidal situation is to preserve, conserve and protect our prestigious No.63 beach, one of the best tourism destinations in the world by making a durable sea defense that will last generations to come. I remember our president mentioned on a front page of the Guyana Chronicle dated Saturday October 2nd, that “No venture is too expensive to protect citizens of this country,” so since you have the aptitude and the finance from Climate Change from Norway to undertake specific protocols you put forward, I believe that Sea defenses and upgrading works of sea defenses should be a major prospect in investing money to save lives and the country. I visited Minister Robeson Benn unexpectedly once by his office in Georgetown since I was in the area, last year and I dropped by to identify this crucial problem that has been affecting residents in the area and visitors to the 63 beach. He forwarded me to the Sea Defence Unit in Corriverton which was at the time negligent on doing something about the situation and it seems to me still not concerned about this vital issue that is detrimental towards everyone around. This is the reason why I am addressing this issue here and hopefully can get a good response through some higher authority to start doing some major public works at 63 beach. I am a resident within the 63 beach area and since I live and dwell within the area I have a lot of exposure to the negative impact of the high tides on the beach and made my observations through notebook and camera recording. Being a concerned citizen, I encourage others to be so too. I am aware of the mangroves conservancy and planting that has been ongoing but even my sociologist lecturer and I noticed that mangroves can only swallow a certain amount of water and if large waves start plunging towards our home this cannot be beneficial enough to save lives.

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