Roopnarine’s arms admission makes Kwayana lose ‘sainthood’

Mr. EUSI Kwayana is not all that innocent in Guyana’s racial conflagrations as he would like us to believe. Now that WPA leader Dr Rupert Roopnarine has admitted that the WPA was stockpiling arms and ammunition one wonders why Mr. Kwayana did not himself reveal this information? After all saints go marching in, don’t they?
Mr. Kwayana is no lightweight in Guyana’s politics. His demands to Dr Jagan’s PPP both in the 1960s and the 1990s for “equality” were his popular refrain. He was (is?) a major player in the WPA and he had to have known that the WPA was stockpiling arms and ammunition for an attack on the PNC government.
Any claims that he was unaware of such arms buildup would ring hollow. It would mean that he was not treated as an “equal” by Dr Rodney and others. It would lend credibility and validate the popular belief that Dr Rodney did not trust everyone in the WPA. The aura that Mr. Kwayana is a non-violent man is now effectively shattered.
One wonders why Mr. Kwayana would sanction the stockpiling of arms and ammunition by the WPA as any attack on the PNC would have been an attack on black people. Mr. Kwayana has always been an unchanging advocate and vocal defender of African culture, pride and security in Guyana. The PNC was then, and is still now overwhelmingly African supported. Guyana‘s army and the police force are also overwhelmingly African. And it has remained so, despite the PPP/C complaints when out of power that it needs to be redressed. (Mr. Kwayana himself had written long before the WPA was formed that the PNC was a symbol of black hope).
The WPA leadership must have realised that any attack on the predominantly African PNC could have boomeranged into retaliatory attacks against Indians given Guyana’s fragile political scene. Why did Mr.  Kwayana seemingly have a change of heart when the WPA leadership sanctioned the acquiring of weaponry which could have killed black people? Wasn’t Mr. Kwayana eulogised to be this non-violent sage? One must note that during the 1960s PPP government Mr. Kwayana denounced the deaths of black people. Since when did the killing of black people under the PNC government become licenced? Did Mr. Kwayana acquire that “right” since he was now in the top WPA leadership when it was discussed?  Who most emphatically takes licenses for the “cleansing” of any race including black people for the acquisition of political power in a country such as Guyana?
When Mr. Kwayana denies that he organised the defense of Buxton in the 1960s against an unrealised attack from the neighbouring Indian village of Annandale, the evidence was presented by Mr. Ravi Dev (SN.9/11/10) that Mr. Kwayana himself had written that “moreover I am the person who in 1964 after Buxton had suffered casualties took charge of the defence of Buxton/Friendship… Get that in your pipe and smoke it” as posted on 9/22/02 in the WPA website One quickly realises that Mr. Kwayana in organising the defense of an entire village must be leaving something out. Does Mr. Kwayana wants us to believe that he defended Buxton in the 1960s with only a calabash, smoke and obeah? With such a tried and tested defense strategy the WPA could have launched a revolution to topple the PNC government knowing that that strategy had been so effective in defending the entire Buxton village. Or did Mr. Kwayana propose such a strategy and it was found laughable by the scientific Marxist Dr Rodney? Didn’t such a strategy lead to the PPP losing the government in 1964? Should one now forgive Mr. Kwayana when he forgets what he did long ago as he is getting old, and one’s memory is not the same as it used to be when one was younger?
If Mr. Kwayana were to be accused of hypocrisy he would be hard pressed to refute such a perception. In the 1960s after Dr Jagan’s PPP had originated the Special Services Unit (SSU) which was the nucleus of the GDF and organised it with equal amounts of African and Indians, Mr. Kwayana denounced Dr Jagan as giving his supporters “guns to shoot black People”.
A revisonist examination of Mr. Kwayana’s (a former Minister in the 1950s PPP Government) past reveals an increasingly clearer portrait of his actions which is other than one of sainthood with which he has been cloaked and closeted. For example, Mr. Fredrick Kasson, a Kaieteur news columnist now brands him “eccentric” with a preference for association and dealings with middle class people (KN.9/14/10).  In fact, Mr. Kwayana was a daily visitor at the homes of three Indian Buxtonians who he was unable to defend and protect contrary to Dr Hinds assertions. (SN.9.24.10). Pandit  Sama Persaud  (a former Senator in the 1950s PPP government) and Mr. Rampersaud  Tiwari (former Cabinet secretary of the 1960s PPP Government) both fled Buxton for Annandale while Mr. Kwayana’s “ good friend” Mr. Ramphal of Buxton was killed after his home was set afire and burned down. Who let the dogs out? Woof! Woof! Woof! Woof!
It has become obvious that Guyana’s progress would be hamstrung if its sordid past is not ventilated and aired with confessions from those, still alive, who are responsible for the current situation. Guyanese would like to hear from Hamilton Green who combined the PNC General Secretary ship with the Ministry of National Mobilisation, Llewellyn John who presided over the PNC rigging of the 1968 elections as Home Affairs Minister, Moses Bhagwan who validated  ASCRIA by forming the WPA , Shridath  Ramphal who as Attorney General wrote the laws which allowed the PNC to rig Guyana’s elections and his son-in-law who as GBS manager regularly broadcasted  PNC victories as “another breakthrough.”
In this regard, Dr Roopnarine’s admission that the WPA’s stockpiling of weapons must be commended. It is a confession which can only lead to reconciliation and forgiveness. It at least shows that Dr Rodney and the WPA was not a band of ragtag adventurers but serious people with plans.   
When one notes the example of Dr Martin Luther King’s ‘successor Dr Ralph Abernathy’s revelation that Dr King had extra marital affairs even as he was adored as an apostle of Gandhian non-violence it did not seriously affect Dr Kings’ legacy. Dr Abernathy simply said he wanted to reveal the complete truth about his leader; that he was a human being with human frailties.  
The same is true of Mr. Kwayana but his current writing only makes his case worse. In the meantime someone should advise Mr. Kwayana that he should cease writing unless it was a complete confession of his past in Guyana’s politics. Time is not on his side.

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